



1. Targeted Delivery of Berberine using Bionic Nanomaterials for Atherosclerosis TherapyBiomedicine & Pharmacotherapy;

2.Astragaloside IV Prevents Hypertensive Heart Disease in Aging Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats by Modulating the Th17 Cell/Treg Balance; Aging;

3.The correlation of ferroptosis and DNA repair in individuals with colorectal cancer;scientific reports;

4.Study on the Mechanism of Bu-Shen-He-Mai Granules in Improving Renal Damage of Ageing Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats by Regulating Th17 Cell/Tregs Balance, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine;

5.Proteomics reveals the role of Eucommia ulmoides-Tribulus terrestris in the central regulation of antihypertension by improving the hypothalamus in spontaneously hypertensive rats, Annals of Translational Medicine.